Saturday, May 8, 2010


That is me right now, i don't wanna study anymore, i hate exams! But i still have one more to go...
By the way i got my first copy of NYLON!!! whoopyy
and it's the young Hollywood issue... I think I'm gonna stick with this than Seventeen, Seventeen is just too "juvenile" for my age : )
What I like about NYLON is that they have a very unique style, almost like quirky...but in a good way, they are pretty inspiring, the illustrations go nicely with the whole mag, i love just love it. The only thing to complain is that the paper quality is really poor, i believe it's a type of recycled paper so the quality of the images are not that sharp compared to Seventeen and TeenVouge, overall I'm happy that I got it. : D
Nice sense of style there!
My fav flip flops for summer!

The May Issue of NYLON
Back to work!

Jen x

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