Saturday, May 1, 2010

SOS skin repair

My shitty Neutrogena Wave is not working anymore, and my regular skin care routine leaves me with the cleanser only, my skin is not doing so well, and since i'm having my finals now, it is starting to break out, esp on my fore heard, it has got trillions of small little bumps, and they are soo freaking itchy, don't know why, maybe it's because of the humid weather here, it is really bothering me. Im not counting on the Neutorgena Wave anymore, because it's waterproof ability is zero!! People, don't get it, mine only lasted for a week only.

I wanna find something to replace my wave, and this seems pretty tempting :) but i doubt that i could find it in HK.
Wow, this looks wayyy better than the wave : D : D

Jen x

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