Sunday, September 16, 2012

Midnight Lullaby

I have came across jonsi a year ago and have very much admired his music, very different from the mainstream, thought his was brilliant and talented. One year later, I have discovered another hidden gem who deserves more recognition, I can't believe it took me this much of time to discover them, The Cinematic Orchestra is my new love, they are modern yet classic, if music were a drug, this would be mine. I have been listening to "To Build a Home" and "Arrival of a Bird" "Transformation" on Youtube NONSTOP. 


"Arrival of the Birds" in fragrance commercial of Acqua Di Gioia by Giorgio Armani

with "Transformation", beautiful composition. 

"To Build a Home"
Their music was featured in commercials, movies, TV series and documentaries.

A viewer, summerbabewtf, wrote:
"How strange it is that music can be as moving as music is. How utterly bizzarre that a collection of notes organized in a certain fashion can bring you to tears. How completely counter-intuitive it is that a certain song can leave you smiling on your hardest days, while another goes un-listened to, because it leaves you devastated. Music can make me feel light, and heavy, and dark, and fragile, and strong, and completely and utterly filled with life. All just vibrations in the air."

well said :)


Jen x

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